On May 13, 2009, a bill was submitted to the Senate in hopes of modifying the Public Health Service act in regards to the topic of nurse to patient staffing ratio and for other purposes. Section 3101, Minimum Nurse Staffing Requirements, discusses 5 topics: staffing plan, minimum direct care registered nurse-to-patient ratios, development and reevaluation of staffing plan, acuity tool, and submission of plan to secretary.
In regard to nurse-to-patient ratios, the bill entails that each unit has its own requirements as to the number of nurses for each shift. If you are a nurse in the trauma unit or the OR, you should only have 1 patient. If you a nurse in the CCU (including NICU, labor and delivery, coronary care units, acute respiratory care units, burn units, and postanesthesia units), you should only have 2 patients. If you are an emergency room nurse or work in stepdown units, pediatric units, telemetry units, or on a combined labor, delivery, and postpartum units, you should have 3 patients. In antepartum units, intermediate care nursery units, psychiatric units, or other specialty care units, the nurse should have 4 patients. If you work on a medical/surgical floor, rehabilitation unit, or a skilled nursing unit, you should have 5 patients. Lastly, if you worked in a well-baby nursery or postpartum unit, you should have 8 patients. One important note of the staffing bill is to help ensure the annual and continual evaluation of hospital staffing plans in regard to their nurse-to-patient staffing ratio. During the evaluation of the hospital staffing plans each year, input from the registered nurses is required in order to revise the content.
Section 3102 Posting, Records, and Audits discusses how the previously noted nurse-to-patient ratios should be accessible to staff, patients, and the public, a record of the ratios for each shift for the last 2 years, and how the secretory should conduct periodic audits.
Section 3103 Minimum Direct Care Licensed Practical Nurse Staffing Requirements discusses many topics, such as the establishment of the hospital's staffing plan and how a study no later than 1 year after the date of enactment of the plan should be performed to review the effects of patient care in hospitals. Additionally, the application of registered nurse provisions to licensed practical nurse staffing requirements aims to bridge the gap between RNs and LPNs and how the requirements of this section should take effect as soon as possible (which is determined by the secretary) is no later than 2 years.
Section 3104 Federal Assistance for the Purchase of Safe Patient Handling Equipment discusses how it is necessary for this secretary to establish a grant program that entails providing financial assistance to help cover all the costs of purchasing federal/state rewuired equipment. For the year 2010, one example of a grant award was $50,000,000.
Section 3105 Whistleblower and Patient Protections discusses the following topics: recognition of duty and right of nurses to advocate in the exclusive interest of the patient, refusal of assignment, retaliation for refusal of assignment barred, cause of action, complaint to secretary, toll-free telephone number, protection of reporting, prohibition on interference with rights, notice, and effective dates. This part allows the nurse to refuse any assignment without means of retaliation, discrimination, or means of discharge. A nurse, patient, or other individual may file a complaint to the secretary (by means of a toll-free number) against any hospital for violating these policies. In order to help staff and public awareness, a notice with guidelines about patient, nurse, and public rights should be made visible.
Section 3106 Enforcement discusses how it is the duty of the secretary to investigate any complaint, encourage a reestablishment corrective action plan in regard to a facility's violation, and the penalties that the facility may face. Most penalties are financial.
Section 3107 Definitions is responsible for defining acuity system, direct care licensed practical nurse, nurse, direct care registered nurse, employment, staffing plan, and declared state of emergency. Acuity system describes the level of care needed by each patient, the number of nurses to care for these patients, whether the care is performed by a registered nurse or other personnel, and requires this information to be expressed in plain, easy to understand language. Direct care LPN is a nurse who has been licenced for more than 1 state and who provided bedside care for 1 or more patients. The nurse means any RN or LPN regardless of employment. Direct care RN who has been licenced by more than 1 state and provides bedside care for 1 or more patients. Employment is a contract (or otherwise arranged) provision of service. A declared state of emergency is an unavoidable occurrence at an unscheduled interval that relates to healthcare delivery and necessitates immediate attention declared by the federal government.
Section 3108 Rule of Construction discusses the importance of maintaining patient record confidentiality and a report to congress with recommendations regarding sufficient number of nurses no later than 1 year after the bill enactment.
Section 860 Registered Nurse Workforce Initiative (RNWI) was established as a 5 year program to help resolve the nursing shortage issue. One way they intend to do this is to establish many educational system foundations and institutional involvement to allow sufficient number of employable nurses, which is necessary to guarantee a safe and competent hospital nursing staff and care.
Section 861 Education Assistance Benefits discusses how the secretary is finding means to ensure progressive nursing educational assistance by establishing a grant program.
Bill information was found from the following webstie: