Sunday, November 14, 2010

Political Action Plan..."The Follow-up"

In regards to the political action plan outlined on October 21, 2010, group members accomplished various actions. First, group members educated themselves on the candidates up for election in their state by viewing political websites, news reports, voting records, and campaigns. On November 2, 2010 group members utilized their right to vote by showing up to the polls and voting for legislators who would hopefully advocate for reversing the nursing shortage. Furthermore, other members joined the National Nurses United organization, which focuses on lobbying for national issues such as the safe staffing ratios discussed in our blog. This will benefit group members by keeping them updated on current nursing issues, providing them access to publications, and receive email updates and action alerts pertaining to this bill.
            In order to raise awareness of this bill, each group member contacted a key stakeholder or legislator. Many of us contacted RN’s that we know personally who are active in their clinical settings and influential in their communities. With this grassroots approach, the noted RN’s will be able to educate their coworkers and encourage them to also get involved in an organization that is going to lobby for this key issue. One of the steps that RN’s can do is discuss with their managers their concerns about their own safety and patient’s safety due to the current staffing ratios. From there, managers such as Leslie Schniekell, can express their concerns as well as their staff members to the attention of hospital administration. On a larger scale, the group contacted Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia who is on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions to sway his opinion on current healthcare legislation and others sharing his stance.
            Our group is committed to continuous support and involvement pertaining to this issue. By advocating for Senator Boxer’s bill on the national nursing shortage, joining the National Nurses Union, and contacting Senators in opposition to this bill we’re not only addressing this issue here in Virginia, we are reaching legislators and key stakeholders on a national level.  

To hear Senator Boxer in action at the National Nurses Union rally in May 2010, check out the video posted below.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great that a few of you emailed RN's that you know personally because they are the ones who are witnessing the nursing shortage first hand. We have to,of course, contact the legislators in order to see action nationally, but RN's can take local action wherever they work. This bill's protection of RN's, allowing them to speak up and advocate for their patients will hopefully cause RN's to speak up more often. It is not right to nurses or patients when nurses are overworked because of the nursing shortage. It is dangerous to the patients' health because there is an increase in the risk of errors when nurses are tired. The video showed that many nurses are supporting the fight to fix this nursing shortage.
